Empowerment Program Design in Edutourism Management Post Pandemic Covid 19
The agrotourism area not only provides attractions of natural beauty and agricultural products, but also local wisdom that can be used as an educational commodity or educational tourism, so that tourists get knowledge, experience and agricultural cultivation skills from the community or entrepreneurial groups. The Corona Virus 2019 (Covid 19) pandemic in Indonesia resulted in decreasing of tourist visit and income for entrepreneurial groups, so it was important to design an empowerment program in the management of covid 19 post-pandemic tourism development. The research process was carried out before the Covid 19 pandemic: January to mid-March 2020 therefore the researcher could use the Participatory Learning and Action (PLA) method. While data collection was taken by observation, documentation, interviews and discussions with research informants from the village government, tour operators, farmer groups, entrepreneurship groups based on horticultural products, practitioners and experts. And then through a questionnaire from business groups of 60 respondents in tourist locations, it used a survey method and the results are descriptive quantitative data. The research location was in the agro-tourism area of Serang Village, Karangreja District, Purbalingga Regency, Central Java Province. This research used community development analysis, then conducting clarification and data verification using online media due to Covid 19 pandemic. The result of the study was the design of gradual empowerment programs targeting the younger generation such as: (1) the stage of forming and enhancing the mindset, mental attitude and motivation for successful entrepreneurship, teamwork and edu-tourism management; (2) stage of increasing knowledge, awareness and skills, especially innovation in processing horticulture products, packaging, product brand labels and licensing and product standardization; (3) the stages of forming an educational tourism (edutourism) team with the support of stakeholder partnerships to provide edu-tourism management training courses, in terms of administration and financial, information and service teams, creative and entertainment teams, digital media teams, digital marketing and promotion teams.
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