Educational Leadership Effectiveness. Is it a Matter of a Leader’s Characteristics, Behaviors, or Leadership Style?

  • Andreas Dimopoulos Democritus University of Thrace Panepistimioupoli, Greece
Keywords: educational, leadership, management, efficiency, effectiveness, styles, characteristics


Leadership in education has been examined in depth until nowadays regarding among others the most common models of leadership, the personal characteristics and profile of charismatic leaders, the principal leadership style and behavior. Notwithstanding, to the best of our knowledge so far, there is space for additional examination as far as for educational leadership effectiveness regarding these factors. This study aims to investigate the outcomes of educational leadership considering the most important components of leadership which are the leader characteristics’, behaviors’ and the most common exercised styles. Furthermore, a purpose of this study is to explore interconnections and correlations among leader characteristics’, behaviors, leadership styles and effectiveness. According to literature review, there is no clear answer in the question of which one component among leadership styles’, personal characteristics’ and behaviors’ is more significant and contribute more to leadership effectiveness. Research has shown that all these elements are fundamental and are considered all important for educational effectiveness. It is also argued that there is a strong interconnection between them as individual parts in an integrated system, which each one separately has its relative influence in educational leadership effectiveness. Also, there is a broad tendency for agreement according to which educational leadership effectiveness depends on many other factors apart from characteristics’, styles and behaviors’, such as timing, special conditions, legislation, personnel qualifications, expected outcomes’ importance, facilities and many others. Apart from these independent factors it is worth to mention that different leadership styles have different positive or negative outcomes to different stake holders. Therefore, it is hard to isolate and to define which of those components are more significant for leadership effectiveness.

Author Biography

Andreas Dimopoulos, Democritus University of Thrace Panepistimioupoli, Greece

Andreas Dimopoulos is a PhD candidate at the Department of Economics of the Democritus University of Thrace. He is author of the book “Labour Market-Conquer the position you deserve” 'Ziti’ Publications, while he has announces and publications in several international conferences and international scientific journals. He addressed a thorough research in issue of employment, integration of new entrants to the job market, employee selection practices and human resources management and has implemented a large number of lectures in many educational institutes’ on these issues. He worked for many years in large multinationals companies from various senior managerial positions and has also a profound experience in consulting, mentoring and training in businesses, combined with work experience in Greek Ministry of Education and National Center for Public Administration.


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