Empowerment Management Model of Batik Craftsman Entrepreneurship Development
The Batik is a craft community that has been the identity, uniqueness, and culture riches that needs to be preserved. The study aims to create empowerment management model of batik craftsmen entrepreneurship development. The study and analysis used Research and Development methods. Data is collected through observation, deep interview, and documentation. The informant has been decided by purposive sampling, namely batik craftsmen, high school student as a generation of batik and batik observers. The research location in Susukan, Banjarneara district of Central Java Province at Indonesia. The results showed that (1) The lack of young generation of batik craftsmen, thus it requires development management through community empowerment of younger generation to preserve local cultural riches. (3) The empowerment management could be designed comprehensively and continuously by involving all parties namely the community, government, universities and private parties.
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