Performance of Micro and Small Enterprises in the Philippine Setting

  • Arnold Quinto Malaluan Batangas State University Lipa City, Philippines
Keywords: Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, Cash Conversion Cycle, Cash, Inventory


The study was conducted to assess the performance of micro and small enterprises in Lipa City, Philippines using Cash Conversion Cycle. It was conducted among 375 managers and business owners in the area. Descriptive method was to collect the data and test the null hypothesis. Frequency/percentage, weighted mean, and composite mean were used as statistical tools. Results reveal that majority of the respondents were micro enterprises with a 1-9 employees that have been operating for 1-3 years; that the cash conversion cycle and its comparison of responses to the performance of micro and small enterprises found to be effective; that the cash conversion cycle in terms of years of existence, business category and number of employees are effective; that the cash conversion cycle to the performance of micro and small enterprises in terms of cash to accounts payable, accounts payable to inventory, inventory to accounts receivable,  and accounts receivable to cash are effective; that the comparison between the cash conversion cycle to the performance of micro and small enterprises and effectiveness when grouped according to years of existence, business category and number of employees were significant. Thus, the proposed extension activity can be considered and implemented by the concerned agency.

The assessment on the effectiveness in terms of cash conversion cycle to financial performance

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