Two-Way Communication and Customer Loyalty

A Relationship Marketing Approach

  • Samuel G. Etuk University of Uyo, Nigeria
Keywords: two-way communication, customer loyalty, relationship marketing


The relationship between communication as a relationship marketing underpinning and customer loyalty in the telecommunication industry in Akwa Ibom State was examined using MTN, GLO, Etisalat and Airtel companies. The methodology followed was exploratory and quantitative in nature. Questionnaire responses from 365 customers of the four telecommunication vendors in Akwa Ibom State were used as data for the study. The data were analyzed using Simple Regression statistic. The results showed a regression coefficient of 0.714. Meaning that communication has positive influence on the vendor customer relationship and thus serving as a driver of customer loyalty. Based on the findings it was concluded that operators that are mindful of communication are likely to have loyal customers. On the basis of the findings, it is recommended that telecommunication vendors wishing to build a loyal customer base should enable open, sincere and frequent interaction as this has considerable influence on customer loyalty.

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