Effect of Corporate Social Responsibility on Marketing Performance of a Nigerian Manufacturing Company

An Insight From Alex Industries PLC

  • Nwachukwu Anthony Nduka National Broadcasting Commission, Nigeria
Keywords: manufacturing, marketing, corporate social responsibility, CSR, PLC


This study examined the effect of corporate social responsibility (CSR) on marketing performance (MP) of a manufacturing company-Aluminum Extrusion (ALEX) Industries PLC Nigeria. Data were generated from the company's internal and annual reports from 2009 to 2015. Using SPSS version 21, stated hypotheses were tested with linear regression analysis. The findings revealed that CSR only has a strong positive relationship with one variable of MP-Market Share. The other two variables (Financial Performance and Sales Growth) were all negatively associated with CSR. Based on these, the study concludes that the negative effect CSR has on profitability and sales growth of the company is as a result of the inconsistent practice of CSR by the company. Therefore, the study recommends among others, that firms should be consistent in the implementation of their CSR projects in other to really understand its effect on the company’s marketing performance.

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