Towards Sustainable Development and Green Economy in European Union

Trends and Educational Prerequisites in a Local Context

  • Evangelos C. Papakitsos Center for Counselling and Vocational Guidance of Elefsina, Greece
  • Konstantinos Karakiozis Youth Counseling Station of Western Attica, Greece
  • Anastasios Mavrakis Secondary Education Directorate of Western Attica, Greece
Keywords: Sustainable development, green economy, green entrepreneurship, green professions, green labour-market, green skills, green collar workers


Sustainable development is suggested by environmentalists as the solution for confronting the intense environmental, social and economic problems that emerge globally in the last decades. This study presents the recent features and trends of the associated concepts, like the green economy, green entrepreneurship, green professions and labour-market, with a particular reference to European Union countries. In the course of transforming the current economic model towards a green direction, vocational education appears as a fundamental prerequisite that will prepare the future workforce of green economy. In this respect, a small-scale research is also presented, recording the relevant opinions of senior high-school students in Western Attica (Greece), being an area of acute environmental, social and economic problems.

Author Biographies

Konstantinos Karakiozis, Youth Counseling Station of Western Attica, Greece


Anastasios Mavrakis, Secondary Education Directorate of Western Attica, Greece

Environmental Education, Supervisor

Recognition values of green professions by the students of the sample