LMDI and STIRPAT Analysis of Carbon Emissions in the Chengdu-Chongqing Region: An Industrial Advancement Perspective

  • Zhang Qiannian School of Economics and Management, Guangxi Normal University, China
Keywords: Carbon Emissions, LMDI and STIRPAT Models, Industrial Advancement, Chengdu-Chongqing Region


This study investigates the driving factors of carbon emissions in the Chengdu-Chongqing urban agglomeration, a key economic region in western China, using the LMDI decomposition method and the STIRPAT model. The results reveal that energy structure optimization and energy consumption intensity reduction are the primary drivers of carbon emission reductions, highlighting the importance of clean energy adoption and improvements in energy efficiency. In contrast, economic growth and secondary industry expansion are the dominant contributors to carbon emission increases, reflecting the energy-intensive nature of industrial activities and the strong coupling between economic development and energy consumption. The tertiary industry exhibits a dual role, with its expansion reducing emissions in regions with higher levels of green transformation but increasing emissions in areas dominated by traditional service sectors. Industrial advancement (or industrial structural upgrading) emerges as a critical strategy for mitigating emissions, while population size has a relatively small direct impact, though urbanization amplifies emissions in high-density areas.

This study contributes methodologically by integrating the LMDI and STIRPAT approaches, providing a robust framework for analyzing carbon emission drivers. Empirically, it highlights significant regional heterogeneity in emission drivers across counties and districts, offering valuable insights for targeted low-carbon development strategies. The findings underscore the need to accelerate clean energy adoption, enhance energy efficiency, promote green industrial transformation, and optimize urbanization patterns. These results provide a scientific basis for formulating policies to achieve carbon neutrality and sustainable development in the Chengdu-Chongqing urban agglomeration.


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