The Influence and Application of Blood Type Personality Theory in Human Resource Recruitment: A Case Study from a Chinese Manufacturing Enterprise
As a senior HR executive at Kinlong Hardware in China, I observed a recurring phenomenon during my 10+ years of recruitment experience: employees with different blood types exhibit distinct personality traits that influence their sales performance, turnover tendencies, and team dynamics. Using data from the company's Oracle database from 2015 to 2023, we analyzed the records of 2,241 sales employees, categorizing blood types B and O as extroverted and blood types A and AB as introverted for both quantitative and qualitative research. Results showed that, controlling for other factors, sales performance of extroverted blood types was 36.48% higher than that of introverted types, but their turnover rate was also 15.29% higher. For team composition, based on blood type traits, we recommend a mix of 60% O types for stability, 20% B types for aggressive sales efforts, and 20% A and AB types for leadership and decision-making roles.
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