Employment Dynamics and Economic Performance: Divergent Impacts in the EU-27 Regions
The labour market is a key driver of regional economic outcomes, with factors such as unemployment, labour productivity and workforce composition shaping prosperity. High unemployment often reflects inefficiencies in resource allocation, leading to reduced productivity and consumer spending, while investments in human capital and productivity drive innovation, competitiveness, and growth. This study analyses the impact of labour market conditions and demographics on economic performance across EU-27 regions over two decades. Using quantile regression models, the research highlights the varying effects of workforce dynamics across regions at different stages of development. The findings reveal that unemployment disproportionately impacts low- and middle-income regions, while investments in lifelong learning yield significant returns in less developed regions. Labour productivity is a key driver, with employment in science and technology sectors particularly influential in wealthier regions. Additionally, demographic factors such as population density and changes in population size play significant roles in shaping economic outcomes. The study highlights the need for region-specific policies that address disparities, promote education and innovation in less developed areas, and balance wage growth with productivity in wealthier regions to foster sustainable growth and EU-wide convergence.
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