The Social Significance of Nkwa Umuagbogho Maiden Dance of Afikpo: A Theoretical Discourse

  • Prisca Ifeoma Okeke ACAP University College, Melbourne, Australia
  • Kelechi Uzoma Agoha National Institute for Cultural Orientation (NICO), Jikowyi, Abuja, Nigeria
  • Nicholas Chielotam Akas Center for Ballet and the Arts, New York, USA
Keywords: dance, nkwa umuagbogho, Afikpo, maiden, theory


Although traditional dances remain one of the underdeveloped performance arts that have received less attention in the contemporary era, they remain fundamental to traditional communities that leverage their symbolic qualities and social functions to uphold cultural values that are integral to them. The study aimed to examine the social significance of the Nkwa Umuagbogho maiden dance of Afikpo people in Ebonyi State, Nigeria. The objective was to interrogate the relevance of the dance using four theories; dance movement therapy, cultural feminism, social identity theory, and genderlect theory. The outcome of the study revealed that the dance encompasses different theoretical dimensions that underpin its relevance to the host community. From a therapeutic construct, the study found that the dance serves as a means of improving human health and mental wellbeing. It also found that the dance explores the feminine cultural attributes of Afikpo maidens to foster identity, integration, and association in society, as well as blurs the gender gap that exist between men and women in Igbo culture through active engagement and communication between women and men in the performance process. Therefore, the study recommended that it is important for scholars and critics to advance theoretical inquiries on traditional dances to unearth their significance in society, especially toward a cultural renaissance.


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How to Cite
Okeke, P., Agoha, K., & Akas, N. (2025, February 24). The Social Significance of Nkwa Umuagbogho Maiden Dance of Afikpo: A Theoretical Discourse. Frontiers in Art and Design, 1(1), p27.