Dior and Cinematic Art: The Aesthetic Deconstruction and Cultural Significance of Fashion Film Narratives

  • Fang Xie Journalism in School of Humanities and Law, Jiangsu Ocean University. Lianyungang, China
  • Hao Zhang School of Literature, Journalism and Communication, Xi Hua University, Chengdu, China
Keywords: fashion films, storytelling, Christian Dior, communication


Movies have witnessed a growing diversity in their content, form, and means of expression. This diversity has shattered the confines of traditional mainstream cinema, transforming the medium into a vehicle for capital operations and brand marketing. Fashion has adeptly employed the cinematic realm to foster communication between fashion brands and their audiences, effectively bridging the gap between the public and the world of fashion through unique storytelling techniques.

In this article, we will use Christian Dior as a case study, delving into specific films as the starting point for our discussion. We will explore how storytelling methods play a pivotal role in brand building, thereby demonstrating that the narrative employed in fashion films is a crucial tool for brand development and a novel avenue for fashion communication. Simultaneously, this audio-visual narrative facilitates direct emotional connections between the fashion world and its audience.


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How to Cite
Xie, F., & Zhang, H. (2025, February 3). Dior and Cinematic Art: The Aesthetic Deconstruction and Cultural Significance of Fashion Film Narratives. Frontiers in Art and Design, 1(1), p1. https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.30560/fad.v1n1p1