How Does the Screen Expansion in the Images through Generative AI Affect the User Experience of Watching the Video on XR Environments?
The advent of generative AI, which has recently emerged, signifies the ability to create images by expanding upon existing images and filling in empty areas. Consequently, this research examined the impact of providing expanded images on the existing movie screen on usability when watching a movie while wearing XR equipment. This is because when a video with a 16:9 or 21:9 aspect ratio is viewed while wearing an XR device, the video can be expanded to occupy the entire screen in extended reality. The experimental design entailed the real-time capture of the movie screen using Adobe's generative AI, followed by the expansion of the captured image and its manipulation in both the vertical and horizontal directions. The video comprises a 15-second movie, featuring a VR scenario. A usability evaluation (SUS) was conducted, utilizing this function to expand the screen area. The experimental results substantiated the positive impact of generating images in real-time through generative AI on an XR device that expands the screen area through generative AI.
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