The Democracy Vs Totalitarianism in the Political Philosophy
The entire political philosophy of humanity is focused on the antagonism between two political regimes, two basic ideas that explain, argue and legitimize the state power’s system, namely, the totalitarian and the democratic political regime. Since Antiquity, the brilliant minds of humanity contemplated about the sense of state power and the political regime of the state. Each epoch analyses this concept from different aspects and some of them are reflected in the actual political regime. We would pay attention to the conversation through the ages between the philosophers of Antiquity, Meddle Age, Modernity and Contemporaneity about the most important ideas of the totalitarian and the democratic political regimes. This article is a study dedicated to determining the specific of these political regimes in the background of the idea’s history. In this context, we have outlined the following objectives: to identify the specific aspects of totalitarianism in the Antiquity, Meddle Age and Contemporaneity, to analyze the concept of democratic political regime developed in the Modernity as philosophical support of The Great French Revolution; to examine the positive and the negative aspects of this doctrines; to determine the causes of the triumph of totalitarianism in the XXth century. As a result of the research, we aimed to determine the psychological reasons that force people to obey the totalitarian regime. This research paper focuses on the antagonism between these important philosophical and political doctrines that is present in the modern doctrine of constitutional law.
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