Law Enforcement Agencies in Disaster Response in Nepal: Analyzing the Competency of the Nepal Police and the Armed Police Force
Although Nepal Police and Armed Police Force are the key responding tools of disaster response in Nepal, their response competency does not suffice the need for effective response. Applying quantitative research methodology, this research has in-depth investigated the fundamental and technical knowledge, and preparedness activities of such police personnel. Ultimately it was discovered that their knowledge and preparedness are not adequate to meet the need. On the other hand, the practice of the usage of disaster untrained police personnel in response operations is prevalent in the country. And this tendency is not only risking the life of the disaster victims but also putting the responders’ lives at stake. Amidst such bleakness, during the investigation, the perception of the police personnel on their engagement in disaster response was found highly aspiring. Indeed this tendency will work as the force multiplier if their capacity is enhanced properly. The study has further investigated that the lethargic national investment in the disaster response capacity building process is the fundamental problem in terms of the competency building process. Heavy reliance on foreign aids and national and international non-government agencies has not only increased the dependency on capacity building process but also mired the national mechanism turning responsible authorities and institutions lethargic.
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