An Investigation into Cultural Events and Tourism on the Isle of Man
This paper investigates the significance of cultural events for the development of tourism on the Isle of Man. Historically the Isle of Man captured tourists from areas around the Irish Sea including England, Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland. This was especially the case with working-class tourists from the industrial North of England, North Wales, Dublin and Belfast. These tourism markets were prominent in the late 19th, and early and mid 20th centuries. Recent tourist data shows a fall in visitor numbers to the Isle of Man which has taken effect in post war years. In order to explore this decline, and the significance of cultural events for the development of tourism in recent years, a number of research methods have been deployed involving secondary data to assess tourism development and tourism sector growth determinants. As a consequence an investigation was undertaken involving sequential parts. Part one considered trends in the 19th, 20th and early 21st centuries drawing primarily on secondary data, existing research and archival material. Part two investigated cultural events to provide findings and analysis for the tourism industry on the Island. Lastly, part three assessed the nature and importance of events according to the modern evolution of the sector. External (international) and internal (island) influences on development were considered. From the findings conclusions showing prominent issues from the trends observed have enabled consideration of the importance of cultural events for tourism development.
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