Heat Processing and Change of Proper Indicators of Basalts

  • Rashidova R K Navoi State Mining Institute, Uzbekistan
  • Kurbanov Abdirakhim Ahmedovich Navoi State Mining Institute, Uzbekistan
  • Aliyev T Navoi State Mining Institute, Uzbekistan
  • Jiyanov A B Navoi State Mining Institute, Uzbekistan
  • Turdieva O J Navoi State Mining Institute, Uzbekistan
  • Nurmatov J T Karshi Engineering Economics Institute, Uzbekistan
Keywords: research, process variable, roasting, basalt, rock, hardness, heat transfer, heat treatment, melting process, temperature, melting furnace, chemical composition


This paper presents the results of the analysis of the quality of basalts, their heat treatment and studies of changes in the chemical composition of basalts, which leads to a change in the external color of partially processed basalt raw materials (hereinafter referred to as semi-finished product). The results of a study of purified basalt from slime, impurities and hydroxides, changes in the chemical composition of basalt rock are presented.

The prospects of heat treatment of a semi-finished product and obtaining multi-colored products from mineral raw materials is shown. It was found that the optimal firing temperature of the semi-finished product, the possible options for changing the external color and the criterion points of the thermal effect at which the basalt semi-finished product changes the external shade.

These statements are of great scientific and practical interest in the fact that during the heat treatment of a semifinished product, basalt easily overheats and gradually acquires a different color, which occurs to a liquids temperature and allows the future to plan to obtain high-quality multi-colored products from basalts, for example, products for design.


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How to Cite
K, R., Ahmedovich, K., T, A., B, J., J, T., & T, N. (2020, September 2). Heat Processing and Change of Proper Indicators of Basalts. Land Science, 2(2), p1. https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.30560/ls.v2n2p1