Distinctive IR-Spectroscopic Features of Functional Groups of Low-Grade Phosphorites After Microbiological and Acid Processing
The article discusses the current problems of enrichment of low-grade phosphorites by the thermal method as well as the production of mineral fertilizers using various acids. An alternative biotechnological method for producing organomineral fertilizers using neutrophilic, heterotrophic microorganisms of activated sludge at a biochemical treatment station for municipal wastewater for the processing of low-grade phosphorites and the production of phosphorus-containing organomineral fertilizers is proposed.In this case, a natural acceleration of the processes of the phosphorus cycle in nature occurs, which does not pollute the environment. A comparative description of IR spectroscopic descriptions of the results of microbiological treatment and treatment with sulfuric and nitric acids showed distinctive characteristics of the appearance of functional groups, which showed the transfer of valuable phosphorus components during acid treatment to sediment and their irrevocable loss in the form of waste.The studies will serve the utilization of low-grade phosphorites unused in the production, the production of a new type of organomineral fertilizer using and recycling of human waste (in most countries, incinerated), will lead to a gradual improvement in the structural composition of soils.Human vital activity waste and low-grade phosphorites have zero cost, the applied technology of biochemical treatment of domestic wastewater is available in all major cities that can be used to enrich phosphorites with organic matter.
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