A Review of Geospatial Information of Carbon Stocks for Forestry Management, Environmental Protection and Spatial Planning: A Case Study of Southeast Sulawesi, Indonesia
Climate change and the global warming have become an important issue at the present. Some of previous research showed the importance of studies on the sources of global warming and carbon emissions. Our attention needs to be paid to carbon monitoring worldwide. Therefore, the information about the distribution and the characteristic of carbon stocks has become very strategic matter particularly for sustainable development. This paper aims to analyze the utilization of Geospatial Information of Carbon Stocks (GICS) for forestry management, environmental protection, and spatial planning with the case study in Southeast Sulawesi, Indonesia. The method was descriptive analytic to compose several regulations related to geospatial data and information and their connetion to forestry management in Indonesia, environmental protection, and spatial planning. The results of the analysis showed that the principle of sustainable development must be supported by accurate data and information in accordance with the objectives of sustainable development. For the sustainable development, the GICS is functioning in the Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) and Low-Emission Development Strategy (LEDS).
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