Comparative Analysis of the Physical and Chemical Properties of Uzbekistan's Basalts and Ways of Solutions to the Problems of Choice of Raw Processing Directions
This article highlights the common use of petrographic processes in basalt processing. At present, basalt is being processed by liquefaction only. Heat fibers, tiles, cement, fittings, and nets are taken from the basalt. For this reason this article states that the range of products to be purchased is small. And to increase the assortment, it is proved by the fact that basalt basin should not be confined to liquefied processing. Chemical composition of basalt. Depending on the chemical composition of the basalt, the technology of their processing is selected and determined. The article is based on the same principle that the dry method of drying basalt without liquefaction is put forward. Below are the names of products that can be obtained on dry bases processing. This is justified by the fact that it increases the range of basalt products. However, it is advisable to follow two methods of basalt processing in the future. These methods, which are recommended by the authors, have undergone a production trial and received positive assessments; the test report has also been presented.
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