Quantitative Assessment of Hab Watershed Using Geoinformatics
Morphometric assessment of the watersheds is considered highly critical to appraise its hydrological characteristics, such as, general geology, structure, geomorphology and climate conditions. In this study, morphometric analysis of Hab Watershed has been carried out through Geospatial Technology (RS & GIS) in a systematic manner to examine its Geo-hydrological characteristics. The drainage network of Hab is typically dendritic and semi-dendritic indicating its heterogeneous lithology. Recent study reveals increase in stream order, substantially decreases the stream total length. drainage density of the Hab Watershed indicates the characteristics of its typical soil. Drainage texture value for Hab watershed is 0.18. Low drainage density value reveals that the region has a permeable and porous subsurface material with low relief. The shape of the basin has been observed as quite elongated. The findings of this study reveal that GIS based morphometric analysis is highly effective tool for geo-hydrological study of watersheds.
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