The Proximity of Road Traffic Crash Black Spots to Federal Road Safety Commission Zebra Location/Emergency Health Care Facilities in Federal Capital City, Abuja, Nigeria
This research analyzed the proximity of road traffic crash (RTC) Black Spots to Federal Road Safety Commission (FRSC) zebra locations/emergency health care facilities to ascertain the rescue of RTC victims in Federal Capita City (FCC). Geographic Information System (GIS) based location model was applied in the street network analysis to identify RTC black spots that are outside the close reach of FRSC rescue points/health facilities in FCC. Distance was used as impedance factor. Spatial query and buffer analysis were employed to determine accident spots that fall between 2 kms of the health facility and zebra point. Remote Sensing and GIS techniques were applied in proximity analysis using location strategies and interconnected features. The results were presented on road network maps. The result suggests that five (5) additional zebra points would be effective in terms of proximity to RTC in the area and would considerably improve spatial coverage for response times. The areas where quick response and medical facilities are insufficient were identified. Optimal locations for siting zebra points that can effectively service RTC black spots were proposed.
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